Online Tutoring! top tutor in singapore online tuition tutoring for IB IGCSE Physics
Enhance your mastery

What is Online Tutoring?

Live Online Tutoring is when a tutor and student, who are not in the same location, use the Internet to teach and learn remotely. The tutor communicates real-time with the student using Skype (Voice over Internet), webcam (enabling tutor and student to view one another), e-mail, and interactive whiteboard. Tutors and students can, therefore, interact in a fun and dynamic learning environment, choosing individually tailored combinations of the online tools which best help the student achieve his or her academic goals.

Why Choose Live Online Tutoring?

It’s Effective. As effective as face-to-face tuition.

It’s Convenient. Student can access their tutor and have lessons anywhere.

It’s Flexible. The time is used according to the students’ needs and wherever the student happens to be – home, school, university, friend’s house or travelling.

It’s Simple. All you need is a broadband connection and a laptop/pc.

It’s Safe and time saving. Save your travel time.

Best for Home Schooling. You can move faster.

It’s Fun. Many young people prefer live online tuition (to Face-to-Face) due to their life-long familiarity with computers.

For student, online tutoring is engaging. Kids love to use technology.

Online Tutor for Singapore all classes all subjects IBDP IGCSE

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